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Invitation to Participate:


I am invited to participate in the abovementioned research project conducted by Jess Whitley and Andy Hargreaves.  This three-year developmental evaluation of Nova Scotia’s inclusive education strategy is funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD). 


Purpose of the project: 


The purpose of this project is to evaluate Nova Scotia’s current inclusive education strategy and its implementation.  This is phase one of a three-year development evaluation. 




My participation in this research is completely voluntary. I understand this interview will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes and will be audio recorded.  After the interview has been transcribed, I will receive a copy of the transcript via e-mail so I can verify what was said. The transcript document will be password protected. I will have two weeks to return the transcript with any clarifications and/or edits. I am free to withdraw at any point. I can ask questions at any time, including during the research. I am also allowed to refuse to answer any questions. If I choose to stop participating, or refuse to answer certain questions, there will be no negative consequences. If I choose to withdraw, all of my interview data to that point will be erased or destroyed. Interviews will take place at a location convenient for me, and at a mutually agreed upon time.




There are no risks associated with involvement in this project aside from those experienced in everyday life. I have received assurance from the researcher that every effort will be made to minimize these risks.  I have also been assured by the researcher that even though the interviews will be recorded using a digital recording device and pertinent quotes may be used in publications, my identity will not be divulged and, if selected, my quotes will be attributed to a pseudonym.




There are many benefits to this study.  This is an opportunity to have my voice and experiences heard, and to reflect on my experience with inclusive education in the province of Nova Scotia. My participation will play an important part in potential changes to educational policy and pedagogy as well as future professional learning and development.




I have received assurance from the researcher that the information I will share will remain strictly confidential. I understand that the information collected during this research may be used for educational purposes, and/or become part of a published report.  I understand I will be offered a copy of the results.




My identity will remain anonymous throughout the study. No names will ever be published.  No information will be reported or released that would allow anyone to be identified individually. However, given the role that I hold within my organization and/or community, there is potential for those reading reports and publications produced through the study to believe that they know my identity. We will do our best to present data in general terms, to identify individuals only in a very broad way (e.g. an education department employee) and to choose quotes that do not uniquely identify individuals.


Conservation of data:


All digital interview data and transcripts will be coded with a number.  They will be kept in a locked filing cabinet in the office of the lead researcher and electronic files will be stored on a  password-protected computer belonging to the lead researcher.  The data and transcripts will be kept for five years, beginning at the completion of the study (May 31, 2022) and then deleted and/or shredded. 




There is no compensation for participating in this research.


Invitation to Participate:


I am invited to participate in the abovementioned research project conducted by Jess Whitley and Andy Hargreaves.  This three-year developmental evaluation of Nova Scotia’s inclusive education strategy is funded by the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD). 


Purpose of the project: 


The purpose of this project is to evaluate Nova Scotia’s current inclusive education strategy and its implementation.  This is phase one of a three-year development evaluation. 




My participation in this research is completely voluntary. I understand this interview will take approximately 30 to 45 minutes and will be audio recorded.  After the interview has been transcribed, I will receive a copy of the transcript via e-mail so I can verify what was said. The transcript document will be password protected. I will have two weeks to return the transcript with any clarifications and/or edits. I am free to withdraw at any point. I can ask questions at any time, including during the research. I am also allowed to refuse to answer any questions. If I choose to stop participating, or refuse to answer certain questions, there will be no negative consequences. If I choose to withdraw, all of my interview data to that point will be erased or destroyed. Interviews will take place at a location convenient for me, and at a mutually agreed upon time.




There are no risks associated with involvement in this project aside from those experienced in everyday life. I have received assurance from the researcher that every effort will be made to minimize these risks.  I have also been assured by the researcher that even though the interviews will be recorded using a digital recording device and pertinent quotes may be used in publications, my identity will not be divulged and, if selected, my quotes will be attributed to a pseudonym.




There are many benefits to this study.  This is an opportunity to have my voice and experiences heard, and to reflect on my experience with inclusive education in the province of Nova Scotia. My participation will play an important part in potential changes to educational policy and pedagogy as well as future professional learning and development.




I have received assurance from the researcher that the information I will share will remain strictly confidential. I understand that the information collected during this research may be used for educational purposes, and/or become part of a published report.  I understand I will be offered a copy of the results.




My identity will remain anonymous throughout the study. No names will ever be published.  No information will be reported or released that would allow anyone to be identified individually. However, given the role that I hold within my organization and/or community, there is potential for those reading reports and publications produced through the study to believe that they know my identity. We will do our best to present data in general terms, to identify individuals only in a very broad way (e.g. an education department employee) and to choose quotes that do not uniquely identify individuals.


Conservation of data:


All digital interview data and transcripts will be coded with a number.  They will be kept in a locked filing cabinet in the office of the lead researcher and electronic files will be stored on a  password-protected computer belonging to the lead researcher.  The data and transcripts will be kept for five years, beginning at the completion of the study and then deleted and/or shredded. 




There is no compensation for participating in this research.

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