Book Chapters
Whitley, J., Specht, J., Matheson, I., & MacCormack, J. (2022). Holes, Patches and Multiple Hats: The Experiences of Parents of Students with Special Education Needs Navigating At-Home Learning During COVID-19. In R. Turok-Squire (Ed.). COVID-19 and Education in the Global North: Storytelling as Alternative Pedagogies. Palgrave Macmillan.
Whitley, J. (2020). Evidence-based practices for teaching learners with emotional and behavioral disorders. In U. Sharma & S. Salend (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Inclusive and Special Education. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Lloyd, R. J., de Montigny, J., & Whitley, J. (2019). Comprehensive School Health in Teacher Education and Schools: Becoming a Champion of Health. In J. Barrett & C. Scaini (Eds.). Physical and Health Education in Canada. Windsor, ON: Human Kinetics (pp. 95-110).
Whitley, J., Smith, D., Vaillancourt, T. & Neufeld, J. (2018). Promoting Mental Health Literacy among Educators: Critical in School-Based Prevention and Intervention. In A. Leschied, D. Saklofske, G. Flett (Eds.). The Handbook of School-Based Mental Health Promotion: An Evidence Informed Framework for Implementation. New York, NY: Springer Publishers (pp. 143-165).
Whitley, J., Gooderham, S., & Windmill, C. (2012). Special education in Canada. In. C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Special Education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons (12 pp).
Journal Articles
Renauld, J.-C., Smith, J. D., McBrearty, N., Whitley, J., & Rogers, M. (2024). Virtual single session therapy: A study of parents’ self-efficacy. Journal of Systemic Therapies.
Whitley, J. & James, M. (2025). Parental self-efficacy during Covid-19: Parents’ experiences supporting the learning of their child(ren) with special educational needs. Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, 17(1), 92-113.
Whitley, J., Osman, L., & James, M. (2024). Critical windows: Perspectives of parents of children and youth with special educational needs regarding social wellbeing during COVID-19. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 1-15.
Klan, A., Whitley, J., Krause, A., Rogers, M., Smith, D., McBrearty, N. (2024). An exploration of school attendance problems experienced by children receiving mental health services. Educational and Child Psychology, 41(1), 73-92.
Matheson, I. A., Merz-Atalik, K., Christou, T., Kruschel, R., Florian, L., Jahnukainen, M., ... & Whitley, J. (2024). Whereto from here? A discussion among international scholars of inclusive education. Exceptionality Education International, 34(1), 73-88.
Osman, L. & Whitley, J. (2024). Parent perceptions of social well-being in children with special educational needs during COVID-19: A mixed-methods analysis. Child: Care, Health and Development, 50, e13256.
Pozniak, K., Swain, A., Currie, G., Doherty-Kirby, A., Grahovac, D., Lebsack, J., Campbell, W., Humphreys, C., Patterson, S., Raha, S., Whitley, J., Kraus de Camargo, O. (2024). What supports and services post COVID-19 do children with disabilities and their parents need and want, now and into the future? Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1294340.
Rogers, J., Klan, A., Oram, R., Krause, A., Whitley, J., Smith, D., McBrearty, N. (2024). School absenteeism and child mental health: a mixed-methods investigation of internalizing and externalizing symptom. School Mental Health, 1-12.
MacCormack, J., Fitzgerald, C., Whitley, J. & Sider, S. (2024). Lessons Learned: Home-School Collaboration for Students with SEN during Emergency Remote Teaching. Leadership & Policy in Schools, 23(1), 1-18.
Jomaa, H., Duquette, C., & Whitley, J. (2023). Elementary teachers’ perceptions and experiences regarding social-emotional learning in Ontario. Brock Journal of Education, 32(1), 9-37. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.26522/BROCKED.V32I1.948
Albert, J., Whitley, J., & Klan, A. (2023). Exploring public perception of mindfulness in Canadian schools: a news media content analysis. Brock Journal of Education, 32(1), 59-82. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.26522/BROCKED.V32I1.956
Bethune, S., Rogers, M., Smith, D., Whitley, J., McBrearty, N., & Hone, M. (2023). The impact of internalizing symptoms on impairment for children with ADHD: a strength-based perspective. Journal of Attention Disorders, 27(1), 26-37.
D’Agostino, B., Krause, A., Klan, A., Goldberg, B., Whitley, J., Rogers, M., Smith, D., Hone, M., & McBrearty, N. (2022). Navigating the triumphs and tribulations of a university-community children’s mental health partnership: reflections on the first year, as told by graduate students. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 14(2), 1-13. DOI: 10.54656/jces.v14i2.41
MacCormack, J., Fitzgerald, C., Whitley, J. & Sider, S. (2022). “Listen, adjust and repeat”: Principals’ and parents’ perspectives of home-school collaboration during emergency remote teaching in Canada. Leadership & Policy in Schools.
O’Reilly, H., Rogers, M., Ogg, J., Tessa, R. Whitley, J., Santuzzi, A., Shelleby, E. C. (2022). A cohort study examining the association between children’s ADHD symptoms, internalizing symptoms, and mindful parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paediatrics & Child Health.
Smith, D. & Whitley, J. (2022). Teaching with acceptance and commitment: Building teachers’ social-emotional competencies for teaching effectiveness. The Educational Forum, 1-17.
Goldberg, B., Smith, J. D., Whitley, J., & Rogers, M. (2022). Bullying involvement among children receiving clinical care: Links to mental health indicators, individual strengths, and parenting challenges. Children and Youth Services, 1-17.
Whitley, J., Matheson, I., Specht, J., & MacCormack, J. (2021). Perspectives of parents of children with SEN: self-efficacy and school supports during COVID-19 school closures. Exceptionality Education International, 31(1), 97-114.
Whitley, J., Beauchamp, M. H., & Brown, C. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on the learning and achievement of vulnerable Canadian children and youth. Facets, 6(1), 1693-1713.
Krause, A., Klan, A., Rogers, M., Quesnel, N., Whitley, J., & Smith, J. D. (2021). Student attendance and engagement: What have we learned from the pivot to virtual learning? Psynopsis, 43(3), 12-13.
Whitley, J., Duquette, C., Gooderham, S., Elliott, C., Orders, S., Klan, A. (2021). Implementation of a differentiated instruction initiative: Perspectives of leaders. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 196, 49-64.
Sider, S., MacCormack, J. & Whitley, J. (2021, Winter). Schools as an Equalizing Force: What the pandemic has taught us about school leadership and inclusive education. Canadian Association of Principals Journal.
Delorey, J., Specht, J., Fairbrother, M., Ismailos, L., Villella, M., Charles, E., Vanderloon, M., Gallagher, T., Howell, G., & Whitley, J. (In press). Experiences that shape pre-service teachers’ inclusive practice beliefs. International Journal of Inclusive Education.
Krause, A., Goldberg, B., D'Agostino, Klan, A., Rogers, M., Smith, J. D., Whitley, J., Hone, M., & McBrearty, N. (2020). The association between problematic school behaviours and social and emotional development in children seeking mental health treatment. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 25(3-4), 278-290.
Whitley, J. & Hollweck, T. (2020). Inclusion and equity in education: current policy reform in Nova Scotia, Canada. Prospects, 49(3), 297-312.
Whitley, J., Klan, A., & D’Agostino, B. (2020). Narratives of funding related to Inclusive Education: Canadian news media from 2014-2019. International Journal of Inclusive Education.
Whitley, J., Gooderham, S., Duquette, C., Orders, S., & Cousins, J. B. (2019). Implementing Differentiated Instruction: A mixed-methods exploration of teacher beliefs and practices. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(8), 1043-1061.
Whitley, J., Gooderham, S. (2016). Exploring mental health literacy among pre-service teachers. Exceptionality Education International, 26(2), 62-92.
Whitley, J. & Gooderham, S. (2016). Exploring and Promoting Mental Health Literacy and Outcomes: Introduction to the Special Issue. Exceptionality Education International, 26, 1-4.
Whitley, J., & Gooderham, S. (2015). Mental health promotion efforts for children and youth in Canada and beyond: Evidence in research, policy and practice. Exceptionality Education International, 25, 91-111.
Whitley, J., Rawana, E., & Brownlee, K. (2014). A comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students on the inter-related dimensions of self-concept, strengths and achievement. Brock Education Journal, 23(2), 24-46.
Whitley, J. (2014). Supporting educational success for Aboriginal students: Identifying key influences. McGill Journal of Education, 49(1), 155-182.
Lloyd, R., Whitley, J., & Olsen, S. (2013, Spring). Promoting ‘Comprehensive School Health' in Teacher Education: From Consumers of Knowledge to Champions of Health. Canadian Association of Principals Journal.
Whitley, J., Smith, D., & Vaillancourt, T. (2013). Promoting mental health literacy among educators: Critical in school based prevention and intervention. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 28(1), 56-70.
Rawana, J., Norwood, S., & Whitley, J. (2011). A mixed-method evaluation of a strength-based bullying prevention program. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 26(4), 283-300.
Whitley, J., Rawana, E. P., Brownlee, K., & Rawana, J. (2010). A longitudinal exploration of the academic and psychosocial outcomes of students with emotional/behavioural difficulties: The importance of student perceptions of themselves, their peer relationships, and their classrooms. Brock Education Journal, 19(2), 78-96.
Whitley, J. (2010). Modelling the influence of teacher characteristics on student achievement for Canadian students with and without Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Special Education, 25(3), 88-97.
Whitley, J., Rawana, E., Pye, M., & Brownlee, K. (2010). Are strengths the solution? An exploration of the relationships among teacher-rated strengths, classroom behaviour, and academic achievement of young students. McGill Journal of Education, 45(3), 495-510.
Anderson, C., Rawana, E., Brownlee, K., & Whitley, J. (2010). An investigation of the relationship between psychological strengths and the perception of bullying in early adolescents in schools. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 56(4), pp. 470-481.
Whitley, J. (2010). Educational leaders and student diversity: Leading the way to inclusion. Exceptionality Education International, 20(2), 2-5.
Whitley, J. (2010). The role of educational leaders in supporting the mental health of all students. Exceptionality Education International, 20(2), 55-69.
Whitley, J., Lupart, J. L., & Beran, T. (2009). The characteristics and experiences of Canadian students receiving special education services for emotional/behavioural difficulties. Exceptionalities Education International, 19(1), 14-31.
Rawana, E., Latimer, K., Whitley, J., & Probizanski, M. (2009). Positive classroom strategies for teachers to engage students on their strengths. Canadian Teacher Magazine, 16-17.
Whitley, J., (2008). A model of general self-concept for students with Learning Disabilities: Does class placement play a role? Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 36, 106-134..
Lupart, J., Whitley, J., Odishaw, J., & McDonald, L. (2008). Whole school evaluation and inclusion: How elementary school participants perceive their learning community. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 4(1), p. 40-65.
Whitley, J., Heath, N. L., & Finn, C. A. (2008). The role of attention/hyperactivity difficulties in the self-perceptions of children with behavioural difficulties. McGill Journal of Education, 43(1), p. 65-80.
Whitley, J., Lupart, J., & Beran, T. (2007). The characteristics and experiences of Canadian students receiving special education services for a Learning Disability. Exceptionality Education Canada, 17(3), p. 85-110.
Whitley, J., Lupart, J. L., & Beran, T. (2007). Differences in achievement between adolescents who remain in a K-8 school and those who transition to a junior high school. Canadian Journal of Education, 30(3), 649-669.
Zinck, L. C., Finn, C. A., Whitley, J. & Heath, N. L. (2005). Parental Awareness of services and severity emotional/behavioural difficulties in children. Exceptionality Education Canada, 61-77.
Whitley, J., Hargreaves, A., Leslie, L., Collins, A., & Arsenault, A. (2023). Interim Report II of the developmental evaluation of the implementation of the Nova Scotia Inclusive Education Policy. (70pp)
Whitley, J., Maharaj, S., & Rogers, M. (2022). An update to the Caring and Safe Schools in Ontario: Supporting Students with Special Education Needs through Progressive Discipline, Kindergarten to Grade 12 resource document (ITQ140) (56 pp)
Smith, J. D., Mokhtarian, N., Whitley, J., Rogers, M., & McBrearty, N. (2022). Roll call: A scoping review for knowledge synthesis of literatures pertaining to school attendance problems. Technical report to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Knowledge Synthesis Panel (Asocial Society theme). (31 pp)
Vaillancourt, T. et al. (2021). Children and Schools During COVID-19 and Beyond: Engagement and Connection Through Opportunity. Royal Society of Canada.
Whitley, J., Schira Hagerman, M., & Boultif, A., (2021). Guide to Remote Learning for Students with Special Education Needs. (75pp).
Whitley, J. & Hargreaves, A. (2020). Interim Report of the developmental evaluation of the implementation of the Nova Scotia Inclusive Education Policy. (75pp)
Whitley, J., Smith, D., & Rogers, M. (2018). Updating the School Climate survey templates. Request for services No 3376: Final Report. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa.
Whitley, J., Moreau, K., Smith, D., Fairbrother, M., Woods, H., & Bouchard, K. (2017). Literature review and environmental scan of K-12 well-being measures. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa.
Cousins, J. B., & Whitley, J. (2014). Support for building innovative practice initiative: Request for services No 1062: Final Report. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa.
Whitley, J., & Cousins, J. B. (2013). Support for building innovative practice initiative: Request for services No. 1313: Final report. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa.
Whitley, J., Cousins, J. B., Duquette, C., Elliott, C. J., Orders, S. (2012). Evaluation of the Ontario ministry of education’s differentiated instruction professional learning strategy. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa.
Whitley, J., Duquette, C., Flick, L. (2012). Promoting self-determination in the dragonfly summer camp.
Whitley, J., Brown, M., Gignac, K., & Do, C. (2010). Integrated approaches to improving educational outcomes for students with exceptionalities. Report prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services