Developmental Evaluation of the Implementation of the Nova Scotia Inclusive Education Policy/Évaluation évolutive de la mise en œuvre de la politique sur l'éducation inclusive de la nouvelle-écosse
My name is Jess Whitley. My co-investigator, Dr. Andy Hargreaves and I are working with the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development conducting a 3-year (2019-2022) developmental evaluation of the implementation of a new Inclusive Education policy in Nova Scotia.
Our team currently also includes Laura Leslie, who is a teacher in Nova Scotia, Ann Collins, who is a PhD student in Education with an extensive history in government and policy and Adrianna Arsenault, who is a teacher currently doing her Masters of Education at the University of Ottawa.
Je m'appelle Jess Whitley. Mon cochercheur, le Dr Andy Hargreaves, et moi-même travaillons avec le MEDPE en menant une évaluation de développement sur trois ans (2019-2022) de la mise en œuvre d'une nouvelle politique d'éducation inclusive en Nouvelle-Écosse.
Current Data Collection
Prize Draw/Tirage:
25 $15 Gift Cards/Cartes-cadeaux
10 $50 Gift Cards/Cartes-cadeaux
Apple AirPods (value/valeur $270)
Current Team
Jess & her 2 sidekicks
Andy, Jess & Mike in Halifax
Laura & her 2 sidekicks
Parent/Guardian & Student Participation
We'd also love to continue hearing from parent/guardian/family members and students to take part in short virtual interviews. All participants receive a gift card for $10. Reach out if you're interested!